Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter Days on Vinegar Hill

My day started early.  

I had a tea biscuit order - done before 6 and still time to read!

I am working out of the house this morning.

I am off to see Mike and Jean.

I am the "Girl Friday" who cleans the chimney, gardens, dog sits, chicken sits, cuts the grass, shovels the roof and does some light housekeeping.

This is a job that I love.

Not the particular tasks, although there are far worse jobs, it is the fact that I get to visit with Jean.

We never seem to have enough time to get all of our creative yah yahs' out.

We have quite a variety of interests, from what's new with the chickens to home decorating and craft projects to cooking or restoring a vintage sheepskin coat.

The stuff I learn.

You should see my new sheepskin coat, for it does look new.

Jean just threw it in the washing machine and then I let it cool-air dry.

It didn't even need brushing!

The lady knows her laundry.

I learned the origin of the coat - My great-uncle, Colin Mathias Rowbotham, bought the coat, second hand, from the widow of the late George Brennan of Haliburton (past master of North Entrance Masonic Lodge) in the early 70's - He wore it only a couple of time when he gave it to my father.   It has hung in the closet for the last 40 years or more.

Now it hangs in mine.  A perfect fit and a thing of beauty.

I feel somewhat responsible to Mike and Jean.  

They are very good to Carmen and I.

Generous of home and spirit.

Sitting by the pool on a hot July afternoon - how do you put a value on that?

Or the beer that Mike shares with me.

Jean giving Carmen swimming lessons, an added bonus.

You see I talked Jean into getting some laying hens of her own.  

Then I built them a small chicken coop in the corner of their carport/shed.

Thank God they love the chickens.

Didn't want them to get into something that they would regret.

You can't really go wrong with a few laying hens.

Chickens are very busy, talkative creatures that are entertaining to watch and you have the bonus of fresh eggs everyday.

Mind you the coop is nothing to write home about but, it only cost the price of a bundle of insulation - $35.

I am a big time recycler, the coop is functional and can be dismantled with no problem when they have had their fill.

It is bedtime for me now - well past my normal 9:30.

I didn't realize that it was Friday the 13 today!

I don't look at the calendar much.  

I find most people have an aversion to the number 13, in any shape or form.

I like the number, it's different.

It's a baker's dozen.

I had a great day, not a whole lot accomplished but, no mess, no regrets and I didn't create a bill that needs paying. 

I go to sleep content!

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