Monday, January 9, 2012

Baking Day

I am working at home today.

The new year is in and I have so much to do.

Carmen is back at school and full of life.

She talked me into writing this blog.

What the hell is a blog?

What was I thinking?

We will see what happens.

Back to the "Do It Tomorrow" List.

That is the name of my chore list.

So named because there is always more to do tomorrow.

I think it's the farmer way.

Some things just need to be put off until tomorrow.

The cookies are gone and the bread box is empty so, I am going to bake today.

I have a couple of orders for cookies, tea biscuits and bread to fill.

This is one of my favourite days.

I love baking.

I get to use the butter and buttermilk I froze this fall.

So delicious as well as rewarding.

The cookies are so rich, its' bad.

I also put a pot of bones on the wood stove for soup - my own beef soup bones.

I have all day to complete these chores.

I love my chore list!

Soup and bread both take time and a hot stove.

I need to set the dough and get some wood in.

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