Monday, January 9, 2012

The Fruit of My Labour

Dinner was amazing.

All over by 4:15 p.m..

Carmen got off the bus from school hungry so, we dug in.

Home-made vegetable soup, oatmeal-buttermilk-honey bread, and oatmeal cookies.

Too good.

Now I have lots of time to wash eggs.

27 laying hens and I get 25 to 27 eggs every day.

The girls are wintering well.

The wood is in and the outdoor chores are done.

I got my sewing machine as far as the kitchen table.

I have a couple of sewing projects I want to start on.

I also want to make a quilt.

Denim - I have been saving torn, discarded, at the end of their rope jeans.

When I get the eggs graded and the dishes done and egg salad made I can get back to my book.

Work is interfering with my reading.

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